NaLEC’s Campaign for Educational Equity
For years, NaLEC has proclaimed the importance of educating the next generation of children. Given the startling numbers of educational achievement gaps that disproportionately impact the impoverished urban, rural, and suburban communities we must respond. NaLEC is committed to make educational equity with an emphasis on public policy a priority among the close to 9 million U.S. Hispanic evangelicals. We are proud to partner with The Expectations Project in our educational equity efforts . We take seriously Jesus’ invitation, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them..” Based on Jesus’s love for children and his appeal for granting them access we are launching our “Educational Equity Campaign!” As part of the Church’s response, a diverse group of Latino evangelical leaders with national networks have decided to join NaLEC’s Educational Equity campaign designed to unite and mobilize a growing network of Latino evangelical leaders, institutions, individuals, and other persons of good faith in support of a more equitable educational system and just education reform. Its goal will be to maximize the Latino evangelical influence on this issue, consistent with the educational equity principles shared by NaLEC’s board and sister organizations.
NaLEC’s Educational Equity Campaign’s primary objectives are:
- To educate the public, especially the Latino evangelical communities, about Biblical and Evangelical teaching on education and childhood education.
- To educate parents around their rights and responsibilities in regards to education.
- To create political will for positive and more equitable educational systems.
- To call for reforms based on the principles articulated by NaLEC.
- To organize Latino Evangelical networks to assist churches and individuals obtain the benefits of access to a quality education.
Our shared principles that inform our policy are listed below:
- We believe all people are made in the “image of God” and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect (Genesis 1:26-27, 9:6).
- We believe all children are loved by God and should have access to a quality education (Luke 18)
- We believe that educational inequity is a complex challenge that requires parents, teachers, communities, boards, and faith-based institutions to get involved.
- We believe that every effort should be made to provide all children equal opportunities for learning.
- We believe that the fact that only 1 in 10 students from low-income families will graduate from college is a national crisis and must be addressed.
- We believe that the education of our children is not a partisan issue.