“Serving & Empowering the Latino Evangelical Church”

The National Latino Evangelical Coalition (NaLEC) is a national collective voice of Latino Evangelicals committed to serving and empowering the Latino church for the advancement of the Gospel and the common good.
- Provides Denominational Executives, Pastors, and Leaders training and education around issues of church and leadership health, church planting, and church administration.
- Affords a national coalition and movement of Hispanic Evangelicals that mobilizes their constituencies around public policy issues that contribute to the common good from a non-partisan perspective.
- Provides discipleship, educational, and leadership opportunities for emerging Hispanic Evangelical Leaders.
Executive Orders on Immigration
While for years, The National Latino Evangelical Coalition (NaLEC) has called for common-sense bipartisan immigration reform that both respects the rule of law and treats immigrants with God-given human dignity, we are deeply concerned about many of the recent immigration-related Executive Orders.